Polygonal rubber coupling is a rubber material, a circular cross-section of 6 作成 angle (or 8 angle)-shaped elastic pieces everywhere embedded in the post-vulcanization bonded together with rubber casing, the use of through casing 6 (or 8) bolts, staggered with the owners, driven half-coupling flange on the end link.
多角形橡胶联轴器結構簡單,不用潤滑,裝拆方便,具有緩和傳動軸系的扭轉振動和衝擊載荷,防止傳動軸系共振並能補償兩軸線相對偏移的性能,多角形橡胶联轴器適用於中等轉矩50 -8000N. M的輕工,工程機械,礦山機械等行業,適用於有粉塵,水分的工況環境,工作溫度為-30-60C,多角形橡胶联轴器用於振動篩的聯接,效果顯著.
Polygonal rubber coupling structure is simple, no lubrication, Assembly and Disassembly convenience, ease the shaft with the Department of torsional vibration and shock load, to prevent the shaft system and can compensate for resonance offset relative performance of two axes, suitable for medium-torque 50 -8000N. M, light industry, engineering machinery, mining machinery, etc., applicable to dust, moisture conditions of the environment, working temperature-30-60C, for the vibrating screen connection, the effect significant.